
9 weeks

9 Weeks today!!!

All of this bump is bloat.  None of it is baby yet.  All of my pants still fit even though I feel like my belly is hanging over the top of them.

I'm still going to my workout class.  Still not feeling the best, but I'm pushing through it.

I'm able to eat most things even if they don't sound good.  I feel much better if I eat so I'm usually forcing something down.  Orange juice, Gatorade, and Lemonade have been my drink of choice.  Subway has tasted good this time around just like it did with K2.  I've also been eating lots of English muffins.  What sounds great one day is awful the next.  Sour patch kids have been one thing we always have on hand.  What sounds good when I'm at the grocery store sounds awful once I'm home.  I'm constantly searching for something that I think will settle my stomach.

I haven't gained any weight, haven't really lost any yet either.  Maybe a pound or two.  It helps that I'm always eating trying to settle my stomach.

Baby is supposed to be the size of a prune now.
Vomit count - 2

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K2 up and decided to potty train on his own this week so that's been 'fun'.

Once I was in the shower and he decided to poop on the potty.  I had to yell at K1 to come help him.  Turns out he had the seat up, so K1 made him get up so he could put the seat down.  Which lead to poop on the floor and toilet.  Then, we were out of toilet paper so I had to send K1 off for wipes.  I can laugh looking back at it. 

Then, K2 was upstairs playing and decided to poop on the potty...after he'd unloaded a roll of toilet paper into the potty.  That was a fun job of scooping out pooped on toilet paper.  BUT he pooped on the potty so how can you be upset?


K1 graduated preschool

Today I went to K1's preschool graduation and it didn't go very well.  While we were getting ready this morning K1 told me that he wasn't going to sing or do the actions.  Color me surprised.  I asked him to just stand there and smile if he didn't want to sing. 

First thing they did was announce each student and tell what they wanted to be when they grew up.  K1 wanted to be a cowboy (what?).  He for real hit himself in the face as a coping mechanism.  He was super shy/embarrassed.

Then they went up and did their songs.  K1 proceeded to hit himself in the face, bob his head, unbutton his shirt and roll his hands up in it.  He even stuck his tongue out at me.

When it was over his teacher came to talk to us and said she thought he did well and she knew he wasn't into it.  We went in with K1's buddy B and got Mrs. S a ThirtyOne bag.

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Went to the car wash the other day. K2 hated it.

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On Friday we went to see Buckcherry. The whole reason we went was to see Redlight King, but surprise, surprise, they weren't there.

The opener was never announced and as we sat there watching him we started talking about how he reminded us of that kid from American Idol last year. As the show went on I was sure it was him. I even remembered his name was James Durbin. So I googled Buckcherry opener 2012 on my phone. Guess what? It WAS James Durbin...

That kind of made up for no Redlight King.

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Chuck E Cheese

That is all...