Do you sleep with your closet doors open?
At our house we DO sleep with the closet door open. This is mainly due to the type of closet it is. A small walk-in closet with a window. If I sleep with a window in our room open it's usually that window in the closet. It's up a little higher and I feel like it gives a bit more privacy while also allowing air to circulate. We leave the door open in the winter as well.
In other places that we've lived I've always, always, had to have the closet door closed. Then again all of my previous closets were the bifold door type. The closet in our room has an actual door that matches the rest of the doors in our house, but I think the main deciding factor is the window. The kids closets are the same except for no window and I always keep their doors closed.
Have you ever consciously thought about whether your closet door was open or shut? I'm usually OCD about things like this. Very yes or no. Not usually both.
Food for though, yo. Food for thought.
Sweet Miss C
My niece I is 9 months old and walking. Miss C and her are the same size. We're so excited to see these two little girls grow up together.
C was working on her sitting, but was more interested in eating her toes.
Waiting for her turn in the tub.
First HOT day of the year. The bottom picture is C rolling over. Such hard work.
Hot, ya'll. Considering less than 2 weeks ago there was snow on the ground.
Mothers Day fun with K2.
First time painting her nails.
K2 was being unusually quiet upstairs so I decided I better go check on him. There he was just playing with blocks. He'd made these super impressive structures so, of course, I snapped a picture to show Mr. Bin. When I showed the picture to Mr. Bin he was impressed. A little later I caught him giggling and he wouldn't tell me what was so funny. He admitted he built the towers for K2 before he came downstairs. Can you believe he was going to let K2 get all the credit!
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