
K2's Birth Story

I'd been having contractions for a couple of weeks, but nothing really painful or consistent. So, by the time our scheduled induction rolled around I was more than ready. On the morning of October 19 Mr. Bin and I rounded up our things, picked up my mom, dropped K1 off at daycare, and headed to Waterloo to meet Alisia for breakfast at Village Inn before all the excitement began.

We arrived at the hospital at 8:00 am to begin our induction. The first hour was spent getting settled in, getting blood drawn, and starting my antibiotics for Group B Strep. My contractions were 4 minutes apart and I was already 4 cm dilated and 75% effaced. At 9:00 we started pitocin. That brought my contractions closer together and much stronger.

Sometime between 10:30 and 11:00 I got my epidural and was very comfortable. At 11:45 I was 5 cm dilated and the Dr broke my water. Then the nurse left to go eat lunch before things started happening. About 1:00 I started feeling contractions low in my stomach. With each contraction I could feel water gushing. I decided to just wait for my nurse to come back and let her know what I was feeling. In the mean time I kept pushing my button to up my epidural.

My nurse, Lindsey, came back at about 1:30 and asked if anyone had checked on me. I said no and she said she had gotten caught up helping set up a c-section and figured someone would have checked on me. I told her it was no big deal and told her what I was feeling. When she went to check me my bed was soaked so she changed the sheets. Then she checked me and I was fully dilated and the head was right there.
The nurse called for my Dr, who was in a c section. Dr. Rellihan arrived at about 1:45 and had me do a practice push. I hardly started to push and she says STOP, STOP!! The head was already coming out. She said don't laugh or cough and turned around to put her gloves on while the nurses removed the end of the bed. Mr. Bin later told me he was afraid to leave the foot of the bed because the head was half way out.

Dr Rellihan was ready to deliver the baby and told me to push. I felt the head "pop" out and then the body. I don't think the feet were even out and Mr. Bin yelled "Oh, it's a boy!!" At 1:51 pm K2 was born weighing 8 lbs 5.4 oz and was 21.75 inches long. His head was 14 inches and his chest was 13.5 inches.

Just before I delivered K2, Alisia arrived at the hospital and ended up being in the room for the delivery. We spent an hour trying to figure out what to name our little bundle. Everytime we mentioned K2 he responded so we went with it.

K1 was not able to come to the hospital due to H1N1 which quite frankly ruined my birth experience. Mr. Bin had to leave a few times to take care of K1 and I spent half my time worrying about who he was with and how he was doing. All in all things went great.

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