Here I am almost half way done with this pregnancy. Time is flying! It seems like I have a ton to do before baby gets here, but really baby could come today and we'd be just fine. I've made a pretty long list of projects for Mr. Bin to get finished up before Christmas.
Key points -
K1 is a month away from turning 5! How did that happen?
School starts in 2 weeks. Summer is over :(
K2 broke our TV right before we left on vacation. Little stink threw a sippy cup and cracked it. He kept saying I broke-ed the lines because there were lines running all across the picture. I told him his dad was going to kill him, so he keeps asking Mr. Bin if he's going to kill him. It's actually pretty cute.
I love the way K2 calls all chocolate 'hot chocolate'. Examples - hot chocolate chip cookies, hot chocolate milk, hot chocolate bar (candy bar), hot chocolate ice cream, hot chocolate cup cake, etc.
Went and visited J&A in New York. Had great time and we can't wait to meet their new baby girl. We're just waiting for the call to say that she's been born.
I've been feeling baby move a ton. Can't wait to see him/her on the screen during the ultrasound in a few weeks.
At my last appointment I was only up 3 pounds for the whole pregnancy. I'm sure I'm probably up to 10 pounds by now.
This pregnancy has been so different from the boys. With the boys after I got over the morning sickness I felt great. This time around I feel tired and gross a lot of the time. It could be the heat, it's been really hot, but I don't think so.
I've been craving banana Runts like crazy. Naturally none of the stores around here have them. I've looked every where. One night I was going through diapers to get them organized for the baby. In the bottom of the tote I found a damn banana Runt. It was old and growing fuzz, but I was really close to just eating it. The stupid thing was just taunting me... I finally broke down and ordered a 5 pound bag of Runts from Amazon. If you see me happy dancing at my mailbox you'll know why.
I'm starting my Christmas shopping already. I think I'm going to try to have it all done by Thanksgiving. If not I don't know how I'm going to get it all wrapped with my belly in the way.
Speaking of Christmas shopping, I need to buy new stockings. The ones we have now I got just after K1 was born. I bought four knowing we'd have more kids. Mr. Bin thought I was crazy until K2 came along. I almost bought five, now I'm kicking myself for not doing it!
I'll try to get a belly pic up next week. 20 weeks on Monday! Eeek!